Effective home remedies for hives
Natural Remedies

Effective home remedies for hives

Hives are a common type of skin allergy. This is caused due to reactions to various kinds of food items and medications or it can be triggered by any kind of irritant. Hives can be treated easily just like any rash. This kind of allergy causes itchiness and red welts on the surface of the skin. Allergies like these usually go away within a few days or weeks without treatment. Home Remedies for Hives The treatment of hives does not require a lot of medical attention. Imaging and lab tests are hardly ever required for it. However, there are some home remedies to treat hives, and they are: Cold Compress Hives cause your skin to feel irritated, thus leading to itchiness. Using a cold compress soothes your skin and eliminates the urge to constantly touch the affected area. Making use of a cold compress is the best way to find relief from such irritation. You can put some frozen vegetables or ice cubes in a towel or a plastic bag and rub it on the affected areas to find relief. Bathing with Anti-itch Solutions Scratching a rash to relieve the irritation will only make matters worse. The best way to get rid of hives is by not touching the affected area at all.
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Best home remedies for thrush
Natural Remedies

Best home remedies for thrush

Oral thrush is caused because of a yeast infection in the mouth. It is also known as oral candidiasis. The disease can affect both children and adults. Thrush can be treated with anti-fungal medications. However, the symptoms of thrush can also be effectively managed using some home remedies. Salt water Salt has antiseptic and cleansing properties and is an effective remedy for treating oral thrush. Rinse your mouth with salt water to get instant relief. Method : Take a cup of warm water; add half a teaspoon of salt to it and stir well. Rinse your mouth with this solution. Baking soda Rinsing the mouth with a solution of baking soda and water can help relieve the symptoms of oral candidiasis. Method : Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda or sodium bicarbonate in a glass of warm water, and rinse your mouth thoroughly with this solution. Spit out the solution after rinsing. Yogurt Yogurt is a good probiotic, and the friendly bacteria in yogurt stop the growth of yeast. Consuming yogurt also helps restore the balance of good and bad bacteria in the mouth. Yogurt is easy soft and easy to swallow, making it the best food for patients suffering from thrush.
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Typhoid fever – Symptoms and home remedies
Natural Remedies

Typhoid fever – Symptoms and home remedies

Typhoid is an acute illness caused by a bacterial infection. The bacteria that causes this fever is Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi bacteria. The other bacterium that also causes typhoid is Salmonella paratyphi, and fever due to this bacterium is less severe as compared to the first type. This fever is contracted by eating food or drinking water contaminated by the bacterium. The bacterium is capable of surviving in water or dried sewage for a number of weeks. In the country, there has been a steady decline in the number of incidences of typhoid since the early 1990s. During the 1990s, tens of thousands of typhoid cases were reported. After implementing strict environmental sanitation measures, the country was able to contain the spread of the disease significantly, and there are less than 400 cases reported every year currently. Symptoms of typhoid The incubation period for typhoid is 1-2 weeks, and the illness lasts for 3-4 weeks. The common symptoms are: Loss of appetite General body aches and pains Headache Diarrhea Very high fever (as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit) Lethargy fatigue In some people, there are other symptoms such as abdominal pain or discomfort. Around 10% of those affected by typhoid fever have chances of recurrence; relapse is more common in the case of people treated with antibiotics.
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Home remedies for ringworms
Natural Remedies

Home remedies for ringworms

Ringworm, contrary to the name, is not caused by a worm but is a common fungal infection. This condition is highly contagious and can affect anyone, especially children. However, the good news is that it can be easily treated. Here are some of the most effective home remedies. Garlic Garlic is known for its anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be consumed with food or made into a paste and applied topically. The latter method has proven to be more effective. To make the paste, you could add a little olive oil or coconut oil to the crushed garlic. The paste may be applied twice a day. Apple cider vinegar The antifungal properties of apple cider vinegar can be very helpful in dealing with ringworms . Soak a pad of cotton wool in undiluted apple cider vinegar and wipe the affected area with it. This may be repeated thrice a day. Aloe vera Aloe vera has 6 antiseptic agents. These agents help fight against bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Aloe vera gel is available in stores or can be easily extracted from the plant. This gel should be applied on the ringworm patch at least thrice a day. The cooling properties of the gel also help soothe swollen and itchy skin.
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Fight nail fungus with these home remedies
Natural Remedies

Fight nail fungus with these home remedies

Fungal infections are a common occurrence. The human body is usually a habitat for fungi and bacteria. Only when the fungus and bacteria begin to multiply uncontrollably, an infection occurs. Onychomycosis is a fungal infection that occurs in the nails. Nail fungus infection usually develops over time; as a result, it may not have any symptoms in its initial stages. Fungal infection of the nail develops due to an overgrowth of the fungi inside, under or on the nail. The fungus multiplies when exposed to warm and moist environments. Jock itch, ringworm, and athlete’s foot are different types of fungal infections that occur in humans. Symptoms A fungal infection of the nails may affect only a part of the nail or the entire nail. In the initial stages, the symptoms of nail fungus are not obvious. Some of the common symptoms are: Scaling under the nails Yellow or white streaks on the nail Flaking on the surface of the nail Yellow spots at the bottom of the nail Brittle nails Loss of nail Distorted nails that may come off the nail bed Odor emanating from the infected nail Brittle or thickened nails Home remedies Here are some of the best home remedies for nail fungus :
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6 home remedies for insomnia
Natural Remedies

6 home remedies for insomnia

A good night’s sleep has become a luxury in today’s stressful life. Many people complain about not getting enough sleep. Many factors are responsible for this including stress, physical ailments, and overuse of mobiles and other gadgets. Insomnia affects the body’s motor functions and makes people less productive. Here are some effective ways to tackle insomnia and regain your precious sleep: Exercise regularly and stay active Regular exercise makes your body alert and fit. Additionally, it releases chemicals that calm your mind and make it cheerful. This healthy balance between the mind and the body is a pre-requisite to get rid of insomnia. Also, regular exercise beats stress and makes you less susceptible to its ill effects. With so many benefits of regular exercise, there is no reason for not including it in your daily schedule. Adjust dinner time according to bedtime Having a heavy meal just before going to bed often results in heartburn. Heartburn and indigestion alter your sleep cycle and deprive you of quality sleep. Therefore, a simple way to solve this issue is to have your dinner at least two hours before bedtime. You can avoid insomnia by following this tip. It is also a good idea to avoid heavy meals for dinner.
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Effective remedies to get rid of cavities
Natural Remedies

Effective remedies to get rid of cavities

Cavities are one of the most commonly occurring anomalies of the tooth. It is formed mainly because of the formation and persistence of the plaque in the tooth. The chance of developing plaque increases due to greater consumption of the sugary food items. Other causes of cavities are poor oral hygiene, acidity, and infant feeding during bedtime. Advanced stages of cavities can be only treated by a dentist. Given following are some common remedies which you can incorporate soon while starting to experience a toothache. Increase the consumption of Vitamin D Vitamin D helps in the absorption of phosphate and calcium from daily food. It can help with the prevention of cavity development. Young children are more prone to develop the cavities so they should intake a good amount of Vitamin D. Chewing sugar-free gum Certain sugar-free gums are available in the market which acts as an effective measure to cut down the chances of developing cavities. It is actually helpful in many ways. Firstly, it never allows your mouth to go dry as bacteria can easily grow there. It can help your teeth and gums experience some exercise which is beneficial. Furthermore, the absence of sugar cuts down the chances of the formation of plaque.
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7 home remedies that will help you get rid of constipation
Natural Remedies

7 home remedies that will help you get rid of constipation

Constipation is touted to be one of the most common problems faced by Americans. According to the results of a study published in the US National Library of Medicine, it affects 20 percent of Americans on an annual basis and also results in a staggering eight million visits to the doctor per year. However, there are plenty of home remedies that will help you in getting rid of constipation without having to visit the doctor initially. If the problem persists, then it is advisable to visit a specialist and get treated for the same. Go for probiotic foods Probiotic foods such as yogurt, tempeh, and gherkins are very important for the body as they help in keeping the gut bacteria alive. Sometimes, the lack of these foods, coupled with improper nutrition, may result in constipation. Hence, include more probiotic foods in your diet. Exercise a lot more Exercising while being constipated may seem tough, but more often than not, it is the lack of movement that ends up creating problems in the body. Exercising will keep your system clean and also aid in the usual method of excretion that the body uses. Hydrate yourself by drinking more water Water is literally the elixir of life.
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Causes and remedies for diarrhea you need to be aware of
Natural Remedies

Causes and remedies for diarrhea you need to be aware of

Diarrhea is often cited as the most common health complaint and it may range from a mild temporary condition to a severe life-threatening one. Globally, around two billion people are affected by diarrhea each year. In developing countries, many children may get diarrhea and it is potentially life-threatening in some of the cases. Diarrhea occurs when a person has a loose or watery stool. A distinction must be made between diarrhea and passing a stool frequently. If the stool is of regular consistency, then it is not diarrhea. Similarly, babies may have a pasty brown stool which is quite normal. The condition usually resolves itself on its own within a few days. However, if the condition persists, a doctor may ask you about your dietary intake, family history, and if you have any allergies or cannot consume certain foods as is in the case of lactose intolerance. If nothing appears to work, the doctor may order a colonoscopy or ask for a stool sample. Some of the different types of diarrhea are as follows: Functional diarrhea which may be a chronic condition Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) wherein the cause cannot be identified and people experience constipation or diarrhea Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which is a chronic condition linked to ulcerative colitis and other conditions like Crohn’s disease Causes of diarrhea Diarrhea occurs due to an infection in the gastrointestinal tract.
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Get rid of your nasal congestion with these remedies
Natural Remedies

Get rid of your nasal congestion with these remedies

Nasal congestion is often referred to as a ‘stuffy nose’. It occurs when the adjacent and the nasal tissues are blocked with excessive fluid. Additionally, it will also cause the blood vessels to swell, which causes a stuffy sort of a feeling in the nasal passage. This congestion may or may not have a nasal discharge as well. Nasal congestion ends up being annoying not only for children but also for adults. However, this congestion can also be serious for children who often experience it as a hindrance due to their congestion. This is especially so in the case of infants who are not able to feed properly due to congestion. A few remedies you should try are: A humidifier A humidifier is a quick way to reduce the pain of sinus and also for relieving nasal congestion. This particular machine converts water into moisture, which fills the air and increases humidity, making it soothing for the affected person to breathe. Have a hot shower While most people just like to curl up in bed when they have nasal congestion, you will find that a hot shower is quite helpful. The main reason behind this is the steam that forms while taking a warm shower.
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